Thursday, July 3, 2014

6800 km in two weeks

Ok, let me tell you a story about long way trip all over the Europe for two weeks on two Harleys, without any plan and reservations. Me and my friend decided to visit Monaco F1 Grand Prix in winter 2013,  that was the main goal, all other things around was just as is. Start day was 18th of May, so till that time we have a lot of things to do and perform, firstly test them, make them perfect for hard ass riding and give them custom look.

Harley not chip, I understood it within next few months after I purchased it. Spent tonns of money for stuff and if I still wish to keep it I ll spend even more, but this is different story. Ok, test was made succesfull, we had a lot of fun on HOG party in Minsk, BL. Bikes on the roads was cool as hell, so we became even closer to the main trip. Few pics from Minsk HOG Party!

To be continue...

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