Monday, August 30, 2010


Hell yeahhh! Finally we shot the King! Fully rebuild and striped in 2010. Even a nut was lovely skrewed by the MADBOB CUSTOMZ INC.

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Ok, too much work has been done with a few projects for the past week since we are on silence mode, one of them you can check right now. It's a 650' dragstar, fully softailed to hard ass. Next week we ll get seat springs, ape and few last parts for ridin up. The bike is on Sale, please contact for further inquiry. Keep in eye on it, this is one of a kind !

Friday, August 20, 2010

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Golden Oldies

We started new project for 58' BobZilla. Need supporters from Moscow for whitewall flippers dispatch.Stay tooned!!!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Buzz 'n Roll

Here homes the hotsteppa. New ambicious and new look for Buzz generated by Madbob Customz Inc. Check in by list of parts.....

Welcome easyriders!

Hi there, finally we have connected to worldwide blogger community. Now I tell you a story about psyhopathic serial killer who lives alone in the forest.......ok..kidding it's a...loooong story..and hard way to hell! Ones again welcome and enjoy. Keep in touch with us for newvest bad ass projects, garage sales and events!